Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NJ Rundown

So its been crazy so I will sum up the rest of our trip to NJ in a quick photo rundown.

Alexia had fun playing with her cousins. This is a pic of her playing with Sabrina and the one below is of Keri.

Sabrina got Baptized on October 15th.

Alexia was Baptized on October 16th.

Then we went on a hayride and pumpkin picking with the Davis clan.

Then we went into NYC

We even visited Central Park.

Alexia got to meet Aunt Jackie.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

1st Bagel

Alexia definitely takes after mommy with her love of bagels. The first morning we were in New Jersey we went to my favorite bagel shop. Because of the time difference we were up way too early and actually got there before it opened. We drove around a little and then went crazy. We got a bunch of bagels of every flavor and we got Alexia a mini bagel, or a "just my size bagel" as I like to call it. Alexia was nice enough to share with daddy as well. It was so yummy and of course I have been eating them almost every day since.

YiaYia and Papou

Alexia got to meet her YiaYia and Papou finally!!!! She made a mess of herself so there was a wardrobe change. This is the day we landed in New Jersey. Alexia was pretty happy for traveling the whole day.


So silly us thought getting four kids together on a couch would be a cute picture. We forgot to take into consideration we were dealing with four kids. The outcome is not what we had envisioned, but a memory just the same. This will be the last time they are together for two years (hopefully if all goes well) if not more. We tried. Thats all I can say.


We got to take a quick trip to Greece so that Alexia can meet her family and so that we could say goodbye for a while. Alaska is pretty much on the other side of the world so a visit seems unlikely. We got to see lots of family and we got a little bit of sun as well. We wish it could have been longer but it just wasn't in the cards. Here are some pics from our little trip.

Long Time No See

It has definitely been a while and I am sorry. Things has been fun and crazy and everything in between. First we cleaned up, packed up, and moved out of our home. It only took a week from start to finish but it was crazy from start to finish. Alexia was great with it all during the whole process, afterwards a different story and I will get to that.

During our moving we got to welcome Gabrielle Kirabeth Volz into this world. She is going to fit in with her two big sisters just fine. She is beautiful and loud, the two requirements of being a Volz baby.

We got to spend the last bit of our time in England with the Volz crew and Alexia loved every second of it. Her favorite toy of all time has got to be Olivia. It was fun seeing all the girls together but sad at the same time knowing it was short lived.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Crunch Time

I know, I know, its been a while but things have been crazy. We all got back from Hungary OK and went straight into moving prep. Nick and I purged the house and garage of all the unnecessary and unusable. We have to get rid of all our 220V appliances and buy new ones in Alaska. We got most of it done this weekend and now the rest is up to me. Nick is working 12s (which really mean 14s but whatever) so I have to take care of Alexia by myself and get the house in order. The landlord comes on Thursday with the renting agent, our unaccompanied baggage gets packed on Friday, and then the rest of our stuff gets packed on the 14th. So while Nick is working I have to fix the holes in the walls from the pictures and then paint. I hope Alexia lets me do all of this. We still have some gardening to do as well but hopefully Nick will be here helping me this weekend. On to some more fun stuff, I took some pics of Alexia this weekend and did a little bit of editing. I think they look cute but I might just be in denial. I am having trouble with the editing because it looks different depending on where the pictures are opened. They look different on facebook, my stored file, and even on here. I guess I have to figure it all out when we get to the states. I will have some printed out and see which is the real deal. But here are some of the pics....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chow Down

So Nick isn't the only one that can't stop eating here in Hungary. Alexia has gone from refusing to eat food to trying to eat everything in sight. Not only eating, but she must drink everything as well. I might have to invest in a sippy cup for her when we get home because she has been drinking out of my glass for about a week now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weathering the Storm

Alexia experienced her first real thunderstorm, and boy was it a doozy. I couldn't sleep because it was so loud. Alexia only woke up once to the loudest thunder I have every heard. She woke up, let out a little cry and then dozed back off to sleep. Then she decided to sleep in while we were all ready to go to the lake for some fun in the sun.

We finally made it to the lake which was about an hour away and settled in with our little tent and all. Alexia was all decked out with her swim suite, hat, and sun block of course.

Then we headed out to the water. Alexia's great aunt and uncle bought her the most adorable inflatable boat and we knew she would love it. We got in the water and realized that because of the storm last night, and the rain from the night before that, the water had cooled down a bit. Alexia loves her nice warm baths but the cold water was enough to make her scream.

But as soon as she was on land, she was good to go.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, or not

This Friday my cousin took Alexia and I to the little zoo they have here in their town. They kept on telling me it was small and not to expect much but I was pleasantly surprised. it was no London Zoo of course but they had some fun animals. We walked around and saw some lions, including three baby cubs. There were some monkeys and even a tiger. The bear unfortunately died July 6th of this year so we were short of the trifecta. We got to get really close to the animals, something you don't get to so in the states. You can stick your hand in the cages, even though the signs say not to.

Alexia actually stayed awake this time. We ended the zoo adventure with some really yummy ice cream. I ended this wonderful day with an amazing hour long facial. My face was as soft as Alexia's bottom. I could get used to having one of those every week.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fly Away

Alexia and I have flown to Hungary this past Sunday. We have left Nick to fend for himself for 2 weeks until he gets here as well. Alexia is getting to meet a lot of family while we are here, I only wish she could have met her great grandmother. Things don't alway turn out how you hope so we are just going to have to deal. Right now we are just relaxing and eating great food. My cousin flies in from Hong Kong on Monday, my brother from the states on Thursday, and then Nick gets here on Saturday. It is going to be a full house for sure. Here are a few pictures that we have taken so far.