It was Alexia's first Fourth of July, and boy was it a long day. I can't say it wasn't fun, but Nick and I were worn out by the end of the day, Alexia not so much. It took a few extra tries to get her to go to bed. Zoie and Olivia came over around 9am and we played a bit in the house and then went off to the park for some fun in the sun.

Alexia chose to rest and save her energy for the Festival.

We then went out to eat some lunch and to buy a ball o play with, at Olivia's request. We came back home and played a little bit and hung out in the tent while Nick tried to do some gardening, it didn't go to well. He cut the power cord and his hand instead of the tree. But it is OK because Olivia's kissed his owie and then showed him her owies. We had a quick outfit change for all three girls and then we were off to the celebration on Feltwell. It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. There were a lot of cars and we had to park pretty far but there was no line to get in. After a quick search of our bags and the wand thingy we were in. The base was open to the public so there had to be more security measures taken. I still love that the Brits come to our celebration of our independence from them.

It was loud but Alexia didn't even flinch. We walked around and went on a few rides. Then of course we ate!!! We went to Nick's Squadron's stand and got some corndogs and cheese fries. Then for dessert Nick had a deep fried twinkie and I had cotton candy. I wanted funnel cake but the line wrapped around the tent. It took all my will power not to eat more.

If Alexia ever goes missing I know where to look first, Olivia seems to think "Aka" is hers.

So today we learned that three kids is a workout for sure, but a fun one.