I know, I know, its been a while but things have been crazy. We all got back from Hungary OK and went straight into moving prep. Nick and I purged the house and garage of all the unnecessary and unusable. We have to get rid of all our 220V appliances and buy new ones in Alaska. We got most of it done this weekend and now the rest is up to me. Nick is working 12s (which really mean 14s but whatever) so I have to take care of Alexia by myself and get the house in order. The landlord comes on Thursday with the renting agent, our unaccompanied baggage gets packed on Friday, and then the rest of our stuff gets packed on the 14th. So while Nick is working I have to fix the holes in the walls from the pictures and then paint. I hope Alexia lets me do all of this. We still have some gardening to do as well but hopefully Nick will be here helping me this weekend. On to some more fun stuff, I took some pics of Alexia this weekend and did a little bit of editing. I think they look cute but I might just be in denial. I am having trouble with the editing because it looks different depending on where the pictures are opened. They look different on facebook, my stored file, and even on here. I guess I have to figure it all out when we get to the states. I will have some printed out and see which is the real deal. But here are some of the pics....