Monday, October 31, 2011

Candy Addict!!!

Alexia has tasted the sweet amazingness of candy and now Nick and I are in BIG trouble. On Friday we went to a little Halloween fair at a near by park. There were games, crafts, and a make shift trick-or-treat trail. Alexia refuses to say trick or treat in public (she does it at home and in the car I promise) so she just said "please" to get the candy. She opened one of the chocolates and it was over!!! "More please" is pretty much all I have heard all weekend. Then crying when she doesn't get it. Today she surprised us all and said "pretty please" so of course Nick said she has to get candy now! Good thing we go to Hawaii tomorrow so she can forget about candy. Candy what? Candy who? Never heard of it girl. Here, have an apple!

Halloween Party

We have people over every Sunday for football so I decided this Sunday we should have a Halloween Party since everyone will be here. Everyone ended up having a good time.

This is the spread

I made regular cupcakes and I also tried cupcakes in a jar. I have made pie in a jar before and saw cupcakes in a jar from so I decided to try it.

I also made some hot dog mummies and monster noodles. I saw these in a Halloween magazine and decided to make it. I did change the recipe for the monsters so the kids would like it.

The thing that took the longest to prepare were the cookies. They were also the biggest hit. I made the cookies two days before hand and decorated them the day before. The decorating took way longer than I had thought it would. I used melted chocolate and a powered sugar frosting I made. I started going cross eyes toward the end and Nick helped by eating the ugly ones and laughing at me.

The cookies were Alexia's favorite and she would not let it go for pictures.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Alexia got sick a few days ago for the first time ever. I am not sure what was wrong, for all I know it was the fact that four teeth broke through at the same time and her gums were really inflamed. She had a bad fever and did not want anything to do with me. She woke up an 3:45 in the morning and wanted nothing except for Nick. He called out of work because if I looked at Alexia she got really upset. I was not allowed to take her temp, give her a toy, or anything. If I tried to touch her, forget it!!! You would have thought I was killing her. Nick of course thought it was hilarious. The next day her fever was much lower but it was still there. I was more acceptable to her that day so I was able to take care of her. Then the next day she woke up and talked and talked and talked. I think she had to tell me all the stuff she wanted to say but didn't feel good enough to say. She was so quiet when she was sick so it was funny having her run her mouth again. She is back to the happy energetic kid she normally is. Now I have to catch up on all the stuff I was supposed to do while she was sick. I have a bunch of stuff to get ready for our Halloween party and for our upcoming vacation. Lets hope all gets done by the time we leave so I can fully relax on the beach.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stroller Emergency

I have mentioned before that I have a list of projects a mile long that I am working on. I started prioritizing them and figuring out deadlines for some. There are quite a few that need to be done before we head out to Hawaii for a very much needed family vacation. My list got put on hold when Alexia loved her baby stroller to death. The fabric just gave out and she was so upset she couldn't put anything in it. I ran out and got some fabric and during her nap I whipped up a replacement. Here is a before and after shot.

Alexia had to take the stroller to the store with us the day she got it back. She also figured out that if she ran into me I would make a "funny" noise.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's for Dinner?

We had Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread!!! It was so amazingly delicious that Alexia gave me countless kisses of gratitude. I got the recipe from I have been wanting to make this for months but never had the time. I am so glad I have finally made the time.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Cups

I saw a recipe on and decided I had to try it. I haven't tried any yet but Nick and everyone else that has tried them say they are amazing. Mine are not as pretty but I was really pressed for time. I didn't even have time to take a real picture. I took a camera picture in the car on the way to see some friends. These are the ones I brought for them to enjoy. I have lots of the frosting left so I will make brownies in these cup shape and add the frosting to them.

Now I am off to see what Alexia and her partner in crime Lily is up to. Alexia is having her first overnight play date so we will see how it goes at bedtime!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Care Bears

When Alexia and I were visiting in New Jersey we went to the mart and Alexia fell in love with a roll of fleece they were selling. I am pretty sure it was because it had bears all over it, and of course she has no clue what a care bear is. Alexia doesn't usually take something off the shelve and refuse to put it back. She took this roll that was almost the size of her and walked it to the register and she even put it on the belt to purchase (she has never done that!) My mom kinda agreed that we have to buy it for her. I took a look at the yardage and decided I would make 4 blankets for her. Two would be crib size and two would be little cuddle blankets for her to walk around with. Since Alexia is a blanket addict I want to have the same blankets she had at home at my mom's house. That way I don't have to pack blankets. She already had the "car blanket" there because I made two of them. Now she will have these there as well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Seeing Red

Nick and I have been trying to figure out what Alexia should be for Halloween for months and months (way too long I think). After much debate and googling we made a decision.

Alexia will be Little Red Riding Hood!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tutu Dress

This is what I made out of that tulle I showed you in the previous post:

I also made this hair bow to go with it:

We went to the park near our house to take some picks and Alexia did great. Most of my pictures were of her laughing. I wanted to get these pictures done before it snowed (which could be any day now, blah). I have to say this dress was really easy to make. I didn't follow any directions or anything, I just jumped in and made it. It took only about and hour and a half total. I got tulle on the bolt so I had to take time to cut it into strips. If I got the roll it would have been a lot quicker.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What's Up?

Once again it has been a while. I have been completing a bunch of projects and adding even more on my to do list.

I made a bunch of stuff for my cousin for her baby girl. I made a diaper cake, stroller blanket, burp rags, bibs, wipes case, pacifier holder, boppy cover, crib bumpers, changing pad cover, and a car seat canopy. There might have been more but I can't remember. I forgot to take pictures (of course) except for when it was all packages up for the baby shower.

Alexia and I flew to New Jersey to surprise my cousin for her baby shower. It was so great to see everyone, some of whom I haven't seen since Nick and my wedding six years ago. It of course had to be during hurricane Irene so Alexia got to experience her first hurricane.

Now I have a to do list a mile long but I will chip at it day by day. I did complete these Halloween toddler bracelets for my goddaughter and her sisters. I will be making some for Alexia and her friend Lily but these had to get done early so they can get to the girls by Halloween.

I have made something absolutely adorable for Alexia with this:

I bought a couple of things to complete that and I plan on taking pictures this weekend. I also bought some more fabric for my other projects.

We have one of our wooden projects on the list for tomorrow so hopefully the weather allows us to get some work done outside. We aren't planning on going anywhere this three day weekend so hopefully a lot will get done.