Alexia and I tried to go to the local public library and see what their lapsit program was all about. Kids three and under get to go into this little room with a stage and the librarian reads some stories and sings some sing-a-longs. Great concept, every single kid in that packed room loved it and sat and listened except for one. Can you guess which one? My little angel decided the stage was her playground and that the big drapes were her play things. One song in and we were out of there due to a meltdown after the dreaded word "NO" was released upon her. Once we were out and she was free to terrorize she was fine. My little free spirit just does not sit still. There is no watching TV or movies in this house. It is go go go to wherever she pleases. I guess that is why she eats more than I do most of the time. Here are some pics of her at the library.

I also finished my first baby bundle for our friends that are having a little girl in June. I forgot to take a picture of it because I was so excited it was done. I boxed it up and sent it out as soon as I could. I hope they like it. I have a close friend having a baby in August and she is finding out at the end of this month what she is having. I am making her a bundle as well and I will make sure to take a picture. I am adding one more thing to the bundle, a car seat cover. I will be making one for the June baby as well. I just wish I found the pattern for it before I sent out the package. And once this bundle gets done, my other friend is due April 16th and once the baby is born we will know the sex and I can make a bundle for him/her. I am going to be an expert at this baby stuff soon.
Alexia has mastered going down stairs now. She used to just run to the stairs and hope for the best. We always caught her so she had no idea about falling down the stairs. Well that all changed when we went to the playground. If you look at the first picture there is a lovely red bump on her head. She ran down the one ( luckily only one) stair on the little gym. Everyone just heard a bam and then some crying. Luckily she was fine and stopped crying quickly and ever since then she sits and scoots down stairs.

A big thing that happened is that Nick came home, YAY!!! Alexia was funny when she saw him, she just kept on smiling at him. Everytime he looked at her, she smiled all sweetly. The day after he got home is when the daddy's girl came about. Nick couldn't do anything without Alexia. If he walked into another room she would start crying, probably thinking we was gone again. I am pretty sure Nick loved it, lol.

On Sunday I took a photography class. I had really high hope for this class. It was full and I was the first person on the waiting list. They called a few days before the class to tell me someone cancelled. I was so excited because I really want to be able to use my camera and take great pictures. Well, the class was a bust. I learned nothing!!! All the guy talked about was what he was published in and that once you take 30,000 pictures you will be good. He didn't talk about how to take pictures or how to use your camera. The only good thing about the class was it was in a park that was beautiful and we will be going back once the snow has melted. I also learned what a yurt is. Here is a picture of the class, a yurt, and the park.
Alexia looks like such a little explorer in her pictures! Are you going to have to stock up on running shoes???
ReplyDeleteSorry your photography workshop was a bust :\
However, you took some great pictures.
My favorite is this one:
I love the composition of the trunk on the left and the evergreen branch angling in. Especially, I love the complementary colors! Red & Green! Do I see a Christmas Card in the works?!
And the last picture makes me want to jump into the creek. Does that make me crazy?
Keep up the great parenting, photography, adventuring, etc etc. LOL
Thank Gabi, I loved that pic so I snuck it in there. Right now seeing a little green is like seeing hope, lol. I so can't wait for spring to come. Right now is what Alaskans call "the break up" and it sucks. Everything is either frozen still or slush. The roads have huge ice pot holes because the ice is breaking up. I am going to need an alignment soon!!!