I have to include this picture because I am a mean mommy and I think it is funny when Alexia falls. She has inherited my grace, or lack there of. This pic was snapped right after the one I posted above. She tried to run away from me and the camera and this is what you get. (Does anyone else have the urge to yell "timber?")

Alexia and I went to the playground again and she decided the big kid playground was way more fun than the little one. It gives me heart palpitations because she runs on it like nothing but there are no sides so she can just run off the whole thing and hit the floor with a big bam. She had fun making me nervous. Here she is playing peek a boo with me.

For Alexia's name day we got her a charm on her necklace. We chose to get the eye for her. As you all know Nick is Greek and the eye is important in the Greek culture. Now whenever Alexia wears it she is protected.
I know I see you are finally posting up. Loving the pics We miss you all so much. After Italy I will start this up again.
ZOG Crew (A will be put in once we're in Alaska)